Vintage Gun Journal readers are passionate about British guns and shooting with them. If you have written (or could write) a story or article that you think our readers may enjoy, why not sent it to the editor and share your experience or knowledge with other readers?
The VGJ attracts over six thousand readers a month, from all over the globe, every one with a passion for the subjects we cover.
We are always interested in publishing interesting articles on:
Shooting technique
Specialist loading and ammunition making
Historical hunting stories
Shooting and hunting personalities
Articles should be sent in Word (or Pages if you work on a Mac) and be between 400 and 1200 words. Ideally, accompanied by four or five photographs in the form of jpegs (minimum 1600 pixels wide).
We will format the text and adjust the pictures. All text is subject to copy editing at our discretion, though we aim to maintain the original as far as possible and restrict editing to ensure accuracy of grammar and punctuation and to create a flow of narrative without unnecessary repetition or deviation.
We see the VGJ as a mouthpiece for Vintage Gun enthusiasts and welcome quality contributions.
Contributions should be e-mailed to the editor:
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